V-Beam Perfecta® is a Pulse Dye Laser (PDL) that is quick and safe for removal of skin discolorations caused by vascular and/or pigmentation abnormalities. V-Beam Perfecta® is the most effective treatment for stubborn conditions such as redness, broken blood vessels and a wide variety of skin conditions.
What is V-beam used to treat?
- Rosacea and acne
- Facial redness
- Wrinkles
- Scars
- Stretch marks
- Brown pigmentation
- Facial veins
- Broken capillaries
- Spider veins
- Leg veins
- Port wine stains (vascular birth marks)
- Redness due to sun damage
- Bruising
How does V-Beam work?
V-Beam works by delivering an intense but gentle burst of light into specific targets in the skin (blood vessels and brown pigment) depending on the condition being treated. Factors such as the color and type of lesion and location determine how the lesion can be treated with V-Beam. The V-Beam uses the dynamic cooling device which protects the top layer of the skin and helps to minimize discomfort.
What is V-Beam treatment like?
Prior to treatment, the skin will be cleansed and protective eyewear will be placed. Topical numbing creams are usually not required and most patients report a mild warming/tingling sensation during treatment. Treatment time varies depending on the area being treated and a typical regimen consists of 2-4 treatments approximately 4 weeks apart. Most patients experience improvement within weeks and maintenance of positive effects is dependent on lifestyle factors. Consistent use of sunscreen and sun avoidance is recommended to maintain results of treatment.
Learn More
If you think you may be a candidate for treatment with V-Beam, you should first discuss with your provider to determine your treatment plan. Only qualified dermatologists like Dr. Diane Walder and her colleague Dr. Stacy Chimento can determine the best treatment regimen for you. Dr. Diane Walder is a board-certified dermatologist who is regarded as an expert in cosmetic dermatology. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Diane Walder or one of her colleagues, please call 305-866-2177. We look forward to seeing you.